Provide education as the pathway out of poverty
A Word From BETTER’s
Founding Patron

His Excellency,
Dr José Ramos-Horta AC
Nobel Laureate (1996), Prime Minister (2006-2007) and President (2007-2012) (re-elected in 2022) of Timor-Leste.
Dear friends,
I am very proud to be the Founding Patron of a new innovative initiative by BETTER Timor.
This is going to be a Centre of Educational Excellence for the children of Timor Leste. While much has been done, much is being done, much more remains to be done in the coming years for the children and youth of this Nation.
Our children, who suffered debilitating neglect, deserve BETTER. Our plan is to educate them out of poverty.
Please help us reshape the future for the children of Timor Leste by delivering prosperity through education.
The BETTER school will be built in stages from Foundation to Year 12 with a new intake each year to take them through to completion of their senior schooling. We aim to empower the wider community through the ripple effect of knowledge.
To provide young Timorese with a learning facility they rightly deserve will only be possible with your advocacy and financial support. I urge you to put your full support behind this vital community initiative.
Your support really will change their world.

Want to sponsor a student instead?
Provide education as the pathway out of poverty

A special thanks to our in-kind partners