2019 July Trip Report

2019 July Trip Report

Hi All,As many of you may know I have been working in Timor for over 6 years in education. Upon returning from my 2018 trip I saw the great need for transformation in Cailaco, Maliana. During that 2018 trip, land was discussed to be used for the purposes of...
Results From Cailaco

Results From Cailaco

I conducted a Stage 2 (Australian year 3 and 4) Mathematics test on student in year 8 aged between 13-17 with an average age of 15. The results ranged from 1-11/29 with an average of 5.36. The full results are as below. The sister then showed me where these students...
2018 Report – The Beginning of BETTER

2018 Report – The Beginning of BETTER

Over the past 4 years great improvements have been made to the Letefoho High School following its opening in 2013. With generous support, the classrooms and school premises were able to undergo a renovation including the implementation of the water system and toilet...